
We are a small, personal clinic for dogs and cats. At our clinic, we can handle a lot of cases and the ones we can’t, we can refer to bigger clinics. We share premises with Hundens Hörna, which runs a dog daycare and pet store, and Lyckliga Svansar, which trims dogs. Solna Djurklinik and Hundens Hörna have a close collaboration but are different companies. The staff in the shop belong to HH and are very good at feed, fur care, tooth brushing, claw clipping, activation etc. For questions regarding your animal's treatment or appointment, contact the clinic via email or phone.


Appointments and Drop-In

Please always check under "Aktuellt" for current exceptions to our regular opening hours, drop-in and phone hours.


  • Monday 13-19
  • Tuesday 10-18
  • Wednesday 10-15
  • Thursday 13-19
  • Friday 10-14

You can either call us or send us an email to book an appointment.

Our phone is manned every Monday-Thursday between 10-11.

If we cannot answer please leave a message stating your name, phone number and what you need help with and we will call you back. Please note we cannot promise that we can call you back the very same day.

Our phone number is: 073-596 83 76

If you choose to send us an email please state your first and last name, phone number, name of your pet and what you need help with as well as suggestions for days and times you can visit us based on our opening hours.

Our email address is:

Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. Otherwise you will receive an invoice for 75% of the cost of the visit.


We have Drop-In every Monday and Thursday evening that the clinic is open.

You can sign up for Drop-In at our reception desk from 18:30. We will see the first patient from 19:00 in the order in which you signed up. Everyone who signs up before 20:00 will get help. There is a 25% price increase during Drop-In.

Vaccinations, deworming and easy cases such as ear problems, anal gland expression and urinary tract infections are welcome. If you are unsure if your pet’s problem qualifies, give us a call or send us an email and ask!


If your pet has an urgent problem and you can’t reach us, please call the following veterinary hospitals for advice and admittance.

AniCura Animal Hospital Albano or Bagarmossen: 010-147 90 00


Address and Public Transport

Our address is: Polhemsgatan 11, 171 58 Solna

By subway: Take the blue line to Huvudsta, Solna Centrum or Västra Skogen
By bus: Take buss 113, 152, 507 or 952 to Storgatan

If you are traveling by car, please note that we do not have our own parking. Instead cars can be parked on the street or in the parking lot at the end of Polhemsgatan. Parking fee is paid via Easy Park.


Payment and Prices


Payment is made by card or Swish at the time of treatment. Please note that we do not accept cash!


Here are some examples of our prices:

  • Veterinary appointment including examination and advice SEK 850
  • Medical inspection before sale or insurance 875 SEK
  • Veterinary check up and blood samples (i.a. kidney, liver, pancreas and blood status) 2000 SEK
  • Senior check-up and blood samples (i.a. kidney, liver, thyroid and blood status) 2200 SEK
  • Vaccination, cat or dog (Ducat, Tricat, DHP, KC or DHPPi) 525 SEK
  • Vaccination, dog DHP + KC (12-week, 1-year and every three years) 750 SEK
  • Vaccination, dog Leptospirosis 575 SEK
  • Vaccination, cat or dog rabies 625 SEK
  • EU-passport 775 SEK
  • EU-passport and rabies vaccination 1275 SEK
  • Castration, male cat 1050 SEK
  • Castration, female cat 1925 SEK
  • Castration, male dog (we have a maximum weight limit of 15 kg) 3950 SEK
  • Chemical castration chip, male dog (active for 6 months) SEK 2050


Information before your visit

  • If your pet is to be sedated or have surgery they cannot eat 6 hours prior to the appointment. Free access to water is always allowed.
  • If your pet has an appointment for a vaccination, microchip or castration, please bring your vaccinations card and/or pet passport.
  • Register your arrival at the reception desk. If this is your first visit, please arrive 15 min before your appointment so that we can enter your and your pet’s information into our system. If you have a dog, please take the opportunity to weigh them (cats are weighed in the examination rooms).
  • If your dog or cat has symptoms such as coughing, vomiting, diarrhea or another suspected infectious disease, please leave them in the car or outside with someone accompanying you while you register at the reception desk.
  • If you leave the premises during your pet’s procedure (castration or lion cut for example) you must return at the agreed time for collection. We are unable to keep animals with us pending your return.
  • If you are running late or have to cancel your appointment with short notice, we ask that you let us know via e-mail rather than voicemail.



We perform surgical castrations of female and male cats as well as male dogs under 15kg (approximately 33 pounds). We perform chemical castration of all male dogs regardless of weight.


There are many benefits to neutering your cat. Besides avoiding unwanted kittens you lower the risk of mammary tumors, pyometra, strong smelling urine, unwanted peeing behaviours and fighting.

The disadvantages of neutering are the risk of weight gain and a certain increased risk of urinary tract problems, especially in male cats. However, both of these problems are easily solved with the right food and usually involve much milder problems than having the cat unneutered.

We castrate cats from the age of 4 months, but preferably at 5-6 months, when they have had time to grow a little and the male's testicles have had time to descend into the scrotum properly.

Your cat cannot eat anything 6 hours prior to surgery. Water is allowed as usual.

Male Cats

The cat is given sedatives and a local anesthesia. The scrotum is opened and the testicles removed. To avoid infection, the openings are not sewn back up and your cat will have two small open incisions over the scrotum. They heal quickly. You do not have to worry if your cat tries to lick the wounds. Do keep an eye out for swelling, bleeding, pus or foul odour.

If your male cat had reached sexual maturity before the operation, he can still mate and fertilize a female cat a few weeks after the surgery. In this case keep him inside for 2-3 weeks.

Female Cats

The cat is given anesthesia. The uterus and ovaries are removed through an opening in the abdomen. The wound is closed with intracutaneous sutures which means that you will not see any visible stitches. Most cats do not need an Elizabethan collar (E-collar, pet-cone or cone of shame). If your cat licks so much that the skin gets irritated a cone may be needed to put in place to ensure the wound can heal.

After a few days a soft bump may appear over the wound. This is a completely normal process due to the suture material being resorbed. If you find that the bump can be pushed inside the body, please contact us, as this might be a sign of a hernia.

Birth control pills for cats are no longer available due to the high incidence of malignant mammary tumors.


We do not castrate female dogs.

If you have a male dog that is fixating on female dogs in heat and is very interested in smells such as urine markings, neutering might be beneficial. It is important to note that castration is not a solution for all behavioral problems, but those that are linked to hormones. You will still have to combine castration with training to get a good lasting result.

Castration also prevents prostate problems, seen commonly in older male dogs.

Risks involve weight gain, coat quality and a very small risk of incontinence. However, incontinence can usually be remedied with medication. Consult your veterinary professional if you are thinking about castrating a nervous insecure male as problems associated with this might be exacerbated.

Surgical Castration of Male Dogs

We only castrate dogs 15kg and under.

We castrate male dogs from the age of 6 months. If they are to be shown we recommend that you wait until at least 9-12 months of age to reduce the risk of poor coat quality. It has previously been thought that growth is inhibited in early castrated animals, but American studies have now shown that this is not the case. However, a male that is neutered before puberty never develops the muscle mass of an adult, unneutered dog.

Please be advised that your dog cannot eat anything 6 hours prior to surgery. Water is allowed as usual.

The dog is given sedatives and local anesthesia.The testicles are removed through an incision in front of the scrotum, a so-called prescrotal incision. The wound is closed with resorbable sutures that dissolves by the body. This means they do not need to be removed.

An Elizabethan collar (E-collar, pet-cone or cone of shame) is required for 7-10 days after surgery while the wound heals. Keep an eye out for swelling, bleeding, pus or foul odour from the surgical site.

Please note that your dog can still mate with and fertilize a female dog a few weeks after the surgery due to sperm still being alive in the ductus deferens (the tubes from the testicles transporting the sperm).

Chemical Castration of Male Dogs

An alternative to surgical castration is chemical castration with a Suprelorin chip.The chip is injected under the skin in the neck in the same way as a regular ID chip. This can be a good option if you either want an idea of how your dog would react if surgically castrated or if you intend to use the dog for breeding at a later date.

The Suprelorin chip comes in two varieties, lasting 6 and 12 months respectively. If it is the first time your dog receives a chemical castration we recommend the 6 month chip.

Sometimes behavioral problems may get worse the first weeks after the injection. The male dog may still have functional sperm for 6 weeks after injection and should not be allowed to mate. Infertility may last 12-18 months after injection. This means that you have to plan ahead if you intend to use the dog for breeding at a later time.

Other side effects are similar to those after regular castration. The dog may also experience some swelling around the injection area and the testicles usually shrink.


Travel Requirements

As a general rule your pet will need an EU-passport, an ID-chip and a vaccination against rabies to travel. However, different countries have different rules, and they can be subject to change. Therefore always make sure to check up on the rules before you travel even if you have been there before. There can be additional rules regarding health certificates, deworming, bans on certain breeds, shorter validity of the rabies vaccine etc. It’s always your responsibility as an owner to stay informed of the current rules of each country you are planning to pass through or visit with your pet.

If your pet is moving to Sweden

Please use the cat and dog traveling guide provided by the Swedish Board of Agriculture to determine what is required. You can find the guide here.

All cats and dogs must be registered with the Swedish Board of Agriculture. You can find the dog registry here and the cat registry here.

Once your pet is here in Sweden and is registered within the species specific registry there is nothing more required that you do by law.

We do not have rabies in Sweden. Unless you are traveling outside of Sweden with your pet you do not need to continue vaccinating against rabies. However, we highly recommend that you keep your pets’ other vaccinations up to date.

If you are traveling within the EU

If you have moved to Sweden your pet will most likely already have an ID-chip. Depending on your country of origin, you might need your veterinarian to issue a new passport. Only a EU-passport, issued in an EU-country, will suffice.

In some cases we can transfer the information from a previous passport onto a new one. If not, we simply give a new dose of rabies vaccine.

Please note that there is a waiting period of 21 days before you can travel abroad after your pet has received their rabies shot. If your pet has had the rabies vaccine previously but it has expired, the same rule applies.

Traveling with a cat

Norway requires ID-chip and an EU-passport.

All other EU-countries as well as Great Britain, Ireland, Finland and Malta require an EU-passport, ID-chip and vaccination against rabies.

Traveling with a dog

Norway requires an EU-passport, ID-chip and deworming against the fox dwarf tapeworm (Echinococcus). The deworming treatment must be given under veterinary supervision and noted in the dog’s passport. This treatment is given 24-120 hours before the dog enters Norway. If you are traveling to Norway often, please read about their 28th day policy here.

Great Britain, Ireland, Finland and Malta require an EU-passport, ID-chip, vaccination against rabies and deworming against the fox dwarf tapeworm (Echinococcus). The deworming treatment must be given under veterinary supervision and noted in the dog’s passport. This treatment is given 24-120 hours before the dog enters the country.

If you are traveling outside of the EU

If you speak the language of the country you aim to visit, you can often find the correct information by the veterinary authority in said country. If this is difficult or if they do not have a website in English, the destination country’s embassy in Sweden, or the Swedish embassy in the destination country, may also be able to help.

Your pet will always need an EU-passport and vaccination against rabies. Some countries demand revaccination every year.

Please note that there is a waiting period of 21 days after your pet has received their rabies shot. If your pet has had the rabies vaccine previously but it has expired, the same rule applies.

Almost all countries outside of the EU require a blood titre test be taken to ensure enough antibodies against rabies have been produced. After a rabies vaccine has been done, you have to wait at least 30 days before a titre test can be done. The test result and certificate can then take up to a month to arrive. This means you will have to plan your trip well in advance!

Many countries demand a health certificate be made by an Official Veterinarian. You can find the list of Official Veterinarians in Sweden here. We recommend Marie-Louise Svärd at Sollentuna Veterinärklinik. You can reach them by phone 08-623 10 10 or E-mail

Please take a look at the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s checklist to make sure you have not forgotten any steps.

If you plan to travel back to Sweden afterwards, please look at the traveling guide provided by the Swedish Board of Agriculture to determine what is required. You can find the guide here.